Yorktown’s Par 3 Golf Course Boondoggle Has Been Regrettable
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
There is an old adage: If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it is a duck. For eight years, the Town of Yorktown has waited in anticipation for the Par 3 golf course to be renovated and completed. For eight years, we drove down Route 6 and saw a truck here or a machine there. I understand construction delays and I can understand supply chain disruptions but we are all kidding ourselves if we are going to believe it has been the cause of eight years of delays.
I, for one, disagreed with the town’s extension in 2018, but here we are four years later and all we have to show for it are three holes and a clubhouse that apparently is unable to obtain a certificate of occupancy. At this rate, we will not see the course completed for another six years, and after eight years of trying maybe the clubhouse will pass inspection.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it is a duck. For the past eight years we’ve let ducks walk, talk and work on the town-owned Par 3 golf course. This latest episode proved the inability of the selected company to properly manage its construction; however, we are supposed to believe they will be able to actually manage the day-to-day operations?
It is time for our town officials to finally move on from this current “partnership,” who can quack all they want about our elected officials.
As a lifelong resident, it is refreshing to know that we finally have leaders in town who can call it as it is: They saw a duck, heard a duck and they know a duck cannot build a golf course. Good riddance.
Martin McGannon
Yorktown Heights