Yorktown Polar Bear Plunge Rescheduled to January 21
The 2nd Annual Polar Bear Plunge in the Town of Yorktown, originally scheduled for January 7 at Sparkle Lake, was rescheduled to Saturday, January 21 due to the untimely death of Yorktown Police Lieutenant Kenneth Sgroi.
The event will benefit the Friends of Yorktown Parks and Recreation general fund and enable the establishment of various sub-committees to target those parks and recreation activities that have a high impact on the health and wellness of our residents.
Festivities begin at 9 a.m. with a continental breakfast, followed by the Polar Bear Plunge at 10 a.m.
To learn more, visit; https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofYorktownParksandRec/.
This is a press release provided by the organization. It has been lightly edited and is being published by Examiner Media as a public service.
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