
Yorktown Dems Are Entitled to a Committed Rep on State Committee

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Yorktown Democrats deserve full and effective representation within the New York State Democratic Committee (NYSDC).
Our current member has unfortunately missed nearly every meeting during his tenure, leaving our community’s voice unheard. It’s therefore imperative that we elect someone who has the time and commitment to be our representative. As the co-chair of the Yorktown Democratic Committee for the past four years, Mark’s proven dedication and work ethic is exactly what we need at this time.

In the Democratic primary on June 25, Mark is running for NYSDC representative to ensure Yorktown finally gets the devoted advocacy it deserves. Mark is deeply engaged in local issues, regularly attending various Yorktown board meetings. As co-chair of the Yorktown Democrats, Mark understands the priorities of our local Democratic Party firsthand.

The NYSDC plays a vital role in strengthening the party through voter outreach, civic engagement and supporting candidates. New York Democrats have a proud legacy of fighting for values that improve our lives, from voting rights, to clean energy, to healthcare. But without proper state representation, the Democrats in Yorktown risk being overlooked.

If elected, Mark will actively participate and make our community’s concerns a priority within the NYSDC. Mark will continue to listen to Yorktown Democrats and be a fierce advocate, ensuring we have a powerful voice in party affairs and decision-making.

Yorktown deserves someone who will participate. Yorktown deserves someone who will be prepared. And Yorktown deserves someone who is knowledgeable.

In the Democratic primary on June 25, I ask you to vote for Mark Lieberman as he will be that committed voice for our town’s Democrats.

Mark will amplify Yorktown Democrat’s representation.

Visala Ekanadham

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