
Why Did Lawler Endorse Trump, Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire?

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Referring to Laura Loomer, Nate Soule, the spokesperson for Rep. Mike Lawler said, “Anyone, who believes that 9/11 was an inside job or part of some big conspiracy is a fringe character.”

The problem is Trump brought fringe character Loomer to the memorial service on 9/11 at the site downtown.

The problem is the former president has been a prolific conspiracy theorist for decades.

Trump pushed the story that Muslims in New Jersey were cheering after 9/11.

He birthed the Obama birther lie.

He stated, “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non- competitive.”

Because he’s spread a steady stream of lies about election numbers, many Americans believe voting fraud is a problem. To clarify: Dead people did not vote for Obama in 2012. Dominion voting machines did not invalidate votes for Trump. People weren’t throwing away bags filled with Trump ballots or randomly finding suitcases filled with Biden ones. Thousands of dead people didn’t vote multiple times. Italians did not use military technology to tamper with U.S. voting machines.

Now he’s endangering Haitians all over the country with his pet-eating lies.

So the problem is Mike Lawler endorsed fringe character, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire Donald Trump for President of our United States.

Why? Mike Lawler must like power because the Republican Party no longer tolerates anyone who isn’t unquestionably loyal to Donald Trump. Just ask Liz Cheney.

Thank you.

Bonnie Smith

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