White Plains Parking Fee Hike is Typical of Tax-and-Spend Democrats
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I see from your reporting that the White Plains Common Council has decided to hike parking fees in city garages and lots by 20 percent. (“White Plains Council Votes to Increase Parking Fees, Fines,” December 19-25 White Plains Examiner.) This is typical of the Democrats who control our city government. Tax, tax and tax some more. And then add fees on top of the taxes, like this onerous parking fee.
The surest way to discourage more downtown shopping is to make parking even more costly. As a senior citizen living on a fixed income, White Plains is quickly becoming unaffordable for me and my wife. Our combined city and school taxes have tripled since 1998. The per-pupil spending is now over $35,000 a year in the White Plains public school system, a system which produces students with test scores barely at the median of New York State. And our water bills are now four times as high as they were in 1998.
We will be exiting this community shortly, if we can find a buyer.
Paul Solenick
49-year White Plains resident

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