White Plains League of Women Voters Elects First Male President
In a gesture that breaks with tradition, the White Plains League of Women Voters (WPLWV), elected their first male president at the annual meeting on May 18. Stephen Cohen, who had been acting as Voter Service Chair, received praise from Madeline Zevon, former WPLWV president. “He organized many volunteers to register voters with the Voter Registration Drive and Vote 18 program, which is conducted yearly in five White Plains Schools,” Zevon said.
The League of Women Voters is a unique, multi-issue, non-partisan, political organization, advocating for informed and active voter participation. The League hopes to attract a younger, more diverse membership. The Vote 18 program teaches students about the historical struggle to gain universal voting rights in this country. It demonstrates to students the economic value of their vote, it promotes discussion of current events and it registers students to vote.
The League is committed to ensure that voters have the needed information to successfully participate in elections. To this end, they have created vote411.org an easy way to get local, state and national candidate information.
This year the White Plains League plans to broaden their voter registration drive by registering new voters in the city’s colleges. The League welcomes anyone interested to join us in this worthwhile effort.