White Plains Common Council Considers LED Lighting Plan

The White Plains Common Council is considering a proposal to place LED lighting fixtures at several city owned properties.
At the Feb. 24 meeting, White Plains Commissioner of Public Works Rick Hope discussed the proposed contract between the city and Brightcore Energy LLC. If the seven-year lease is approved by the Common Council the city would save $614,000 over 10 years, Hope said. “The new fixtures will last 10, 15 years as opposed to two years” for regular light fixtures, he said.
The LED fixtures would be installed at the Delfino Park ballfields, the sanitation department garage, the city vehicle maintenance facility, the Ebersole Ice Rink and fire stations one, two, three, four, six and seven. If LED fixtures are installed at the city facilities it would save money, be more energy efficient and make the facilities more livable, Pope told the Common Council.
A main reason for seeking to go forward with the project is because the lights need to be replaced at the Delfino Park fields this year, Pope said.
The company would replace the lights and the city would pay the bill through savings from the program, Pope said. There would be no initial cash outlay by the city.
Some Common Council members expressed concern over the financial terms of the lease. Councilman Justin Brasch said he was concerned about how much Brightcore Energy would make from the lease, even though he supports the concept of installing LEDs. Pope said Brightcore Energy is part of a purchasing cooperative and has extensive experience in installing LEDs. Brasch said the city should receive a greater cost savings than is being proposed.
Mayor Tom Roach asked what the fee structure for the deal would be. Pope said he would provide the information to the Council.