White Plains Celebrates Veterans Day

The City of White Plains held its annual Veterans Day ceremony Friday morning, with more than 100 local residents coming to the White Plains Rural Cemetery to honor military veterans of both current and past wars.
Mayor Tom Roach and Assemblyman Robert Castelli were among the speakers at the event. World War II veteran Leo Kaplan was the day’s honoree, while Army Staff Sgt. Jon Gould was the main speaker.
“From Valley Forge to Vietnam, Kuwait to Kabul, Berlin to Baghdad, our veterans have bore the costs of America’s wars,” Gould said. “Every generation has been called upon, and every generation has answered that call.”
Jewish War Vets Post #191 was the host post for the day’s events.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.