Westchester County Clerk Wins Two State Awards
Westchester County Clerk Tim Idoni was honored by his peers with two prestigious awards during the June New York State Association of County Clerks (NYSACC) conference.
Idoni, currently serving in his twelfth year as Westchester’s recorder of land records and Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts, was hailed for his leadership in professional management processes, legislative advocacy and twenty-first century technological advancements. These are Idoni’s ninth and tenth awards won since 2010, primarily for technological leadership and fiscal efficiency through systems that can be duplicated in counties all over the country.
Idoni was named Clerk of the Year for his leadership in legislation promulgating the electronic recording/filing of land and legal documents statewide. His office went from a nine-month backlog in land recordings in 2005 to an electronic system that can process a deed or mortgage in as little as fifteen minutes. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the office’s legal records and 75% of its land records are now submitted online – amongst the highest rates statewide. His innovative systems have returned $29.5 million to the taxpayers in the form of savings over the past eleven years. His staffing has been reduced from 110 in 2006 to its current level of 68.
Idoni also received one of three statewide Achievement awards (his fourth in eight years) from NYSACC for his work over the past twelve months. As the court-appointed Chair of the New York State Office of Court Administration Committee on Supreme Court Civil E-Filing, Idoni and his team of 24 judges, attorneys and county clerks from all over the state review 62 counties’ abilities to perform mandated e-filing, to protect the public and the courts under very strict state legislative guidelines and rules. He also co-chairs NYSACC’s all-important Legislative Committee, which produces, reviews and advocates for and against legislation, which impact Clerks’systems and operations from small counties to large. He also sits on a national committee made up of private and public sector officials writing a white paper on the impact of Clerk fees across the country.
Idoni said, “I want to thank my fellow Clerks for these two tremendous honors. My goal has always been to produce efficient and user-friendly systems and procedures to benefit the citizens of Westchester, as well as other counties throughout the state.”