
Underhill Farm Will Help Yorktown Move Forward

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Yorktown has always been a classic “bedroom” community that treasures its history and embraces its future. The town’s motto “Progress With Preservation,” is based on that. We enjoy good schools, a nice quality of life, safe neighborhoods and convenient access to New York City. Good development projects can only enhance Yorktown’s wonderful character – and Underhill Farm is a good development project.

The benefits are clear: More housing options, a great location, restoration and reuse of the historic mansion, traffic flow improvements and money to support parks and recreation activities. Yes, there are a ton of details that get attended to in such a project, but none should stop this from moving forward. The mansion deserves to be preserved, and other buildings there just don’t have historic importance. That’s not me saying that – that’s from experts hired by the town and developer.

Yorktown cannot capitalize on progress with preservation unless it puts those words into action. Does it enhance Yorktown’s character to have a deteriorating property like the old Soundview school? Does it enhance Yorktown’s character to miss out on an opportunity to add good-quality, well-located senior-friendly housing we really need? Does it enhance Yorktown’s character to let obstructionists who are lost in obscure details block the future? No to all.

Underhill Farm will enhance Yorktown’s character.

Jennie Menton
Yorktown Heights

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