Two USPS Employees Test Positive in WP, Library Closes Indefinitely
Over the weekend two US Postal Service employees at a White Plains facility tested positive for coronavirus. One employee is in the hospital the other is recovering at home.
A report on News12 Westchester said many employees were concerned for their health and safety and did not want to return to work, despite assurances from the Postal Service that the situation is being monitored and guidelines from government health agencies are being followed.
A contract cleaner was hired for the Northeast region to conduct daily deep cleaning of local postal facilities.
The March 15 public service message on the USPS website indicates that there is currently no evidence that coronavirus can spread through the mail.
The USPS message further states, “Currently, we are not experiencing operational impacts as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic and we are using this time to review/revise our contingency plans should they be needed. Regarding the importation of packages, the CDC states there is likely very low risk that the COVID-19 can be spread from products or packaging shipped from China, because of poor survivability of coronaviruses on surfaces. Also, according to the CDC, there currently is no evidence to support transmission of coronavirus associated with imported goods; and there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods.”
Also on March 14, the White Plains Public Library announced it would close today, Sunday, March 15, until further notice, as a measure of caution.