Trump’s Attitude Toward Veterans’ Sacrifice is Reprehensible
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I am the proud daughter of two World War II veterans: my mother was a WAVE and my father served in the Coast Guard. My husband’s father was an airman who flew 50 missions as a gunner over Italy. My family members were part of the “Greatest Generation.” Thanks to their sacrifice, we inherited a safer world and we have a responsibility to protect our democracy.
The former president and current Republican candidate’s statements regarding the military and veterans needs to be considered when voting for the next president, our commander-in-chief.
No member of Donald Trump’s family has served in the military. He avoided the draft with his spurious claim of bone spurs. In an interview about the Vietnam War, he claimed that he had his own Vietnam in avoiding getting STDs.
When President, he refused to visit several veterans’ cemeteries. He refused to allow wounded veterans to be part of honor ceremonies because no one wanted to see them and they made him look bad. At another cemetery, while standing next to his chief of staff, John Kelly, whose son had been killed in war, Trump referred to the dead veterans as “suckers and losers.”
Trump embodies a reprehensible lack of character, decency and patriotism. It is our responsibility to protect our democracy for future Americans and honor the sacrifices of past patriots. Reject vulgarity, revenge and retribution and protect the values of service and freedom for ourselves and future generations.
Ula Swenson
Putnam Valley

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