
To Protect Moms, Jones Understands Healthcare Must Be a Right

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A very special holiday’s falling on Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day.

Followed by Christmas, Mother’s Day’s is the second largest consumer-spending holiday. (Rightfully so, speaking as a mother!) Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to express immense gratitude for those who have shown us love, tenderness and safety.

As this is also an important election year, it’s a good time to reflect on two important needs of mothers, so they can continue to thrive in our future: access to affordable healthcare and Medicare and Medicaid.

Mondaire Jones, Democratic candidate in the 17th Congressional District, believes high-quality healthcare is a human right, and proudly supports Medicare for All.

In Congress, Mondaire acted to lower medical costs for New Yorkers. The Inflation Reduction Act will let Medicare negotiate lower prescription drug prices and has already capped the price of insulin at $35 for people on Medicare.

Mondaire wants to expand Medicare (to include dental, vision, hearing and long-term care), lower prescription drug costs (not just for people on Medicare) and increase transparency for consumers.

If Mr. Trump and Mr. Lawler, the district’s Republican incumbent, are elected, more than 45 million Americans currently on the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion would not be as safe. There are 67 million seniors and people with disabilities that could lose Medicare benefits and prescription drug costs could increase, as their records show they favor drug companies.

As we honor mothers this Mother’s Day, let’s remember what they need at the ballot box and vote accordingly.

Stacey Nachtaler

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