
To Protect Girls’ Sports in New York, Proposition 1 Must Be Defeated

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I was more than dismayed to learn that Prop 1, the state amendment on November’s ballot, could drastically alter girls’ and women’s sports in New York moving forward.
The proposed amendment would lay the constitutional groundwork for biological males competing – as of right – on girls’ and women’s sports teams throughout the state.
As a result, girls will lose playing time and, possibly, college scholarships for which they’ve worked so hard. It’s not fair.
After five decades of Title IX progress, what on earth is Albany thinking? Female athletics are just taking off in this country. The women’s NCAA basketball championship game had an audience larger than the men’s for the first time in history this year. Why would Albany progressives want to hobble female success stories like that?
What’s worse is that I never would have known about this amendment had state Senate candidate Gina Arena not raised its threat to girls’ and women’s sports. Since then, others have begun ringing the alarm bell. Once a constitutional amendment passes in New York, good luck ever repealing it.
On Nov. 5, I’m voting “no” on Prop 1. I urge my neighbors to do the same.

Carmela Atria

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