
Those Who Support Abortion Have Lost Their Humanity

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The object of abortion is to kill the child in the womb. That is a fact no matter how pro-aborts try to spin it.

So when I read the article “Reproductive Rights Rally Held on Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision” last week and how “70 people braved high heat and humidity” to rally in favor of legalized abortion, it pained me deeply. I believe that if you advocate for the deliberate killing of innocent human life you have lost your humanity and I would challenge pro-aborts to witness an abortion.

While just over half of abortions are chemically-induced, pro-aborts can go online and witness the decapitation and dismemberment of fetuses who are otherwise aborted. Can they stomach that? Are they that bereft of morality that they would still advocate for this barbaric procedure?

At the same time, I would ask pro-aborts how much time do you spend educating women and men about the consequences of their actions? What would you say to a child born from a botched abortion?

It shames me to live in a county and state (and for that matter a country) that stridently champions the legal right to abort. Pro-aborts have compelled those with consciences and a regard for morality to speak out to protect innocent babies growing in their mothers’ wombs completely unprotected from cruel, undeserved death.

Marlene Danoff

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