
Solar, Wind and Hydro Power Depend on the Whims of Mother Nature

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Those who oppose new pipelines and drilling for oil also oppose the

use and development of coal, shale, dams and nuclear as energy sources, all of
which would be provided by investments by corporations. That would be while preferring to place their hopes in investing tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars wrested from taxpayers on the chance that sometime in the future energy sources will be developed that will not only replace today’s energy sources but will keep up with increasing demand.

The ultimate source for this future energy world, be it sun, wind, crops or waves, is dependent on the fickle whims and fancies of Mother Nature, an often brutal and unforgiving taskmaster. Both Newton and Einstein used a “thought’ idea to set up and think through a problem, and there doesn’t seem to have been much thought given to possible problems and unintended consequences of an electric world when hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, hail and snow/ice storms wreak havoc on the power transmission systems. How will the power companies, governments and individuals cope when all emergency and private vehicles are dependent on electric power and transmission lines are brought down by natural disasters or an extended blackout occurs from overloads?

Hurricanes and winter’s ice storms with subsequent extended power outages should give pause and a needed a rethink of an economy based on an all-electric energy source. And there is the threat of enemy action, computer generated or a nuclear electromagnetic pulse.

For the record several major windmill projects are being abandoned as per the following:




Patrick Mosman

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