Letter to the Editor: Slowly Returning to Normal Still Required Diligence From Everyone
I continue to be excited as it relates to the reopening of our community, and looking into the not-too-distant future I can see a return to normalcy as we knew it prior to this dreadful pandemic that took so many of our loved ones and caused such disruption in everyone’s daily lives.
As such I wanted to share recent guidance on the reopening process. As of Mar. 19, local restaurants and eateries have moved to an indoor capacity of 75 percent. This does not include New York City, which currently remains at a 50 percent indoor capacity.
Residential gathering guidelines have also changed. As of Mar. 22, indoor gatherings are still restricted to 10 people, but outdoor gatherings have gone up to 25 people. For social gatherings, like events and parties, we are going to be able to have a maximum indoor capacity of 100 people and a max outdoor capacity of 200 people. It’s also important to note that fitness centers will be able to resume indoor classes as well.
On Mar. 26, family entertainment centers can open at 25 percent capacity, and on Apr. 2 any events, arts, cultural or entertainment venue can reopen at a 33 percent capacity with a cap of 100 people indoors and 200 people outdoors. What is interesting is that these numbers can increase to 150 and 500 people, respectively, if there is proof of a negative COVID-19 test prior to entry.
To that end, there is also a new initiative called the New York Forward Rapid Test Program. Through a public-private partnership, it is intended to facilitate rapid testing “to support enhanced economic activity” for events and venues. How this will work is unclear and I look forward to further guidance.
Lastly, on Apr. 5, the 11 p.m. curfew will be lifted for gyms and fitness centers as well as a host of other types of businesses. On Apr. 9, outdoor amusement parks will return at 33 percent capacity. The chamber will continue to keep the community updated on new guidance as it becomes available.
Although this is all welcomed news, I want to temper this by saying that specific guidelines for each point are forthcoming. We also need to continue to be diligent by wearing our masks, continue social distancing and washing our hands. It is important that we all work together to continue this upward trend so we can all, finally, return to normal!
Sergio Esposito
President, Yorktown Chamber of Commerce

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