Slater’s Discussions With Public and Accessibility is Refreshing for Public
Obituary Reports the death of an individual, providing an account of the person’s life including their achievements, any controversies in which they were involved, and reminiscences by people who knew them.
I want to thank Assemblyman Matt Slater for hosting his Chat with Matt series. I attended his event at Empire Bagel in Brewster and found it very informative. We discussed several issues, including the Route 22 paving project, the village redevelopment project and the impact unfunded mandates continue to have on local taxpayers.
Throughout his tenure I have found Assemblyman Slater to be incredibly accessible. I appreciate his willingness to have constructive discussions and understand the concerns of the people he represents. That’s what it takes to be an effective representative and why his leadership and voice in Albany is so important for us.
Peter Domin

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