
Slater’s Common-Sense Governance Paved the Way to Victory

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I wish to congratulate Matt Slater on his election to the state Assembly! Several years ago, when he decided to run for Yorktown supervisor, I was somewhat skeptical. Councilman Lachterman asked me to talk to Matt and to give him the opportunity to lead Yorktown government. Supervisor Slater brought to Yorktown government a common-sense approach to governance along with an appreciation for practical politics. He has done well.

When Matt decided to run for the Assembly, he brought with him the same common-sense and practical approach to the political theater. Matt also brought with him a sense of modesty that I had not seen before. He was endorsed by the groups that one would anticipate should endorse him. 

However, he was also endorsed by one of the largest labor organizations in New York State, the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). It is not a usual occurrence that NYSUT endorses a Republican. This endorsement further demonstrates Matt’s common-sense approach to governance and practical politics.

Congratulations Assemblyman-elect Slater.

Jay Kopstein
Yorktown Heights   

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