
Slater Provides His Constituents, State With Sterling Leadership

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I would like to applaud Assemblyman Matt Slater for his exemplary leadership. It is hard to find good people to run for public office these days for many reasons, which is why we should be thankful to have Assemblyman Slater representing us in Albany. He cares deeply about the Hudson Valley and is proud to serve. He also serves as an officer in the Navy Reserves. But most importantly, Assemblyman Slater is a family man and fights to protect the values every family embodies.

These days New York State seems to be on another direct flight to embarrassment. Just recently we have had a Chinese spy in the governor’s office while the FBI continues to investigate the top staff of New York City Mayor Eric Adams. And just when I think our government couldn’t get any worse, I see our assemblyman in our community and I know we have someone fighting for good.

This November I’ll be voting for Assemblyman Slater, and if you want to restore honesty and integrity in government, you should too!

Marianne Violante
Yorktown Heights

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