
Siegel’s Qualifications Are Vastly Superior in Yorktown Board Race

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There have been many letters, articles and political advertisements written about the qualifications of the candidates for the Yorktown Town Board.

Ms. Diana’s qualifications appear limited to being Tom Diana’s wife for 30 years, having lived in Yorktown for 35 years and having run a small business, which has no relevance to running a town. And let’s not forget her ultimate accomplishment, dressing up as a reindeer. Nowhere have I encountered any evidence that she is qualified to sit on our Town Board.

Unfortunately, I will never get that opportunity. She, along with the local Republican Party, have put up obstacles to a debate. The only place she can debate is at Yorktown Stage? I am sure the Republican board could offer the board room as an alternative location. She also turned down an opportunity to write a column in a local newspaper where she could have shared her ideas. So instead, what does the newspaper do in the name of “fairness?” Cut Susan Siegel’s column. Not very fair to me.

Siegel, on the other hand, has attended board meetings for years. She has put out newsletters, minutes and given explanations of legalities relevant to a Town Board. She helped in organizing support to extend sewers in the Hallock’s Mill Sewer District. She has served on the board and as supervisor. She has sought to keep our board in line by being the loyal opposition. Has she always been right? Of course not. No one ever is, but she has been driven by her devotion to Yorktown.

Yorktown does not need another board member who moves and votes in lockstep. We need a board member who will question, bring facts and push board members to be more transparent in their discussions and decisions. Susan Siegel is that person.

Rosalind Kliban Weis
Yorktown Heights

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