Setting the Record Straight Regarding Former Mt. Kisco Village Attorney
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
After reading the statements in The Examiner, dated December 12-18 (“Mt. Kisco Replacing Longtime Village Attorney, Hires Interim During Search), I feel there has been a mix-up and I am being criticized for taking the position that it was time for new counsel in Mount Kisco while on Facebook I am being criticized for supporting the village attorney. I am writing to set the record straight.
First, what I actually said at the Dec. 4 Village Board meeting and my personal opinion was that I thought it was unwise to replace counsel on day one of a new administration, no matter who that counsel was, when faced with more than 20 pending lawsuits exposing the village to potentially millions of dollars in damages.
I felt then, and still feel, that the decision was up to the majority of this newly constituted board to make the decision. The two attorneys on the Board voted against moving ahead with interim counsel under the proposed retainers, at least at this time. My decision was based solely on my experience as an attorney and a trustee. Changing attorneys in the middle of a lawsuit, let alone 20, is costly and inefficient.
While I did not always agree with the village attorney, Mr. Singleton has served this village for 25 years better than any village attorney I have ever known. He has a record of success in unbroken wins for the village in litigation. He has an institutional knowledge that is impossible to replace, but the decision was the decision of the new board and I hope that the interim attorney can fill those very large shoes.
All of my decisions as for why Mr. Singleton should remain the village attorney were solely based on facts for what he has done for this town over the 25 years. Any personal relationship has and will always be left out of any decision. Facts and the best interest of the village, as they have been with all of my decisions as trustee, shall and always have been my guiding principle.
Karen Schleimer
Mount Kisco Village Trustee

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