Reward Offered Regarding Missing Person Lori Campbell
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New York State Crime Stoppers, serving as a resource for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Bureau of Criminal Investigations, is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the discovery of the whereabouts of missing person Lori Lynn Campbell.
On Saturday, April 2, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office was notified that local resident Lori Lynn Campbell, 59, has not been seen nor heard from since Sunday, March 27. These reports were received from friends of Campbell’s who have been unable to reach her.
There is cause for concern at this point since the Sheriff’s Office has been unable to contact her and has not yet developed any substantive leads or information. This sort of behavior is out of character for Campbell, according to her friends’ reports. No further information about the case can be made public at this time.
Anyone with information regarding this case should immediately call the anonymous NYS Crime Stoppers Tip Line at 1-866-313-TIPS (8477). We don’t need to know who you are, just what you know. In order to qualify for the reward, you must call the tip line number, provide your information, and obtain your confidential ID number, which you must keep for your records.
New York State Crime Stoppers, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that assists federal, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies throughout New York State. NYS Crime Stoppers offers rewards for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for particular crimes within the borders of New York State. NYS Crime Stoppers operates in cooperation with law enforcement, the media, the public, and the business community statewide to accomplish its goal of keeping New York’s communities safe. The key to the success of the program is the anonymity provided to tipsters who provide information.

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