Reflecting on MLK Day 2022; Alliance for Safe Kids Hosting Virtual Event
By Chereese Jervis-Hill
Every 3rd Monday of January is an actual time of reflection for my family and me, as it might be for families across America, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It’s been that way for many, many years. When my girls were young (20 and 27 now), we always did some service for others, watched and reflected on Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, or enjoyed and reflected on a Black American film. It was always and will continue to be a day of gratitude and reflection for us as a family.
When I think back to who Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was, an African-American clergyman and civil rights leader, I feel an extreme sense of gratitude to him and his family. What a selfless man who endured so much, for you, for me, for all of us; he had a vision for our country that I hope will be fully achieved one day. We have come a long way, and I think if Dr. King was here today, he would be hopeful with the progress we’ve made, but we are not there yet.
I started this piece talking about my daughters because I think our children are the ones that will lead us to that promised land that Dr. King spoke of. Our children are so loving, caring, supporting, and accepting. They desire to seek unity, equality, and fairness using their voices, standing actively, all of the things that I think would have made Dr. King proud.
This acceptance brings me to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022. I’ll be spending the day celebrating with Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) as the group hosts its first Keeping The Dream virtual event, celebrating character, kindness, and thoughtful service; so this will be a day of reflection again this year. At 3:00 pm on Monday, January 17, ASK will inspire us all with youth-driven initiatives and activities like inspirational art, creative writing, dance, and musical performance, that will begin online on the 17th (@Allianceforsafekids) and continue throughout the month.
Youth-led initiatives will include Inspire Kindness T-Shirt Showcase, the Thoughtful Bystander Bracelet Campaign, and a Thoughtful Book Nook will also make its debut. I can’t think of a better way to honor Dr. King’s legacy, a man that sacrificed his life for the dream of equality. I’m a true believer that our children will lead the way. They know that “darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” My favorite quote from Dr. King.
Join me for a day of reflection on Monday, January 17, be it a day of service, a day of family time, a day of inspiration at ASK’s Virtual Keeping the Dream, or a day of learning something new about someone that doesn’t look like you. Accept the challenge and let me know how you spent the day.
Chereese Jervis-Hill is President & Founder of Events To Remember
Email Jervis-Hill at or connect on social via @EventPl
Chereese Jervis-Hill is President & Founder of Events To Remember
Email Jervis-Hill at or connect on social via @EventPlannerNY

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