Raspberries to the Rescue!
Raspberries to the Rescue!
Dr. Michael Wald, Director of Nutrition at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco, P.C.
914-242-8844, www.intmedny.com
As the director of nutrition at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco PC, a holistic medical center in Mount Kisco, I am constantly asked, “what are the best foods to eat”. This is a complex question, but I thought I would start one at a time beginning with raspberries as one of my top pics for health and longevity! Enjoy!
Raspberries are not only delicious, but I consider them a superfood! A superfood is any food that carries the potential for contributing to an increased sense of well-being, reduced disease risk and must be absolutely delicious! Raspberries fit the bill! An apple a day cannot compare to the enormous potential that raspberries contribute to health and longevity. Read on…
An edible plant from the genius Rubus, raspberries are perennial., but are available due to fresh frozen and chilled processing practices, all year round. Like all other fruits, raspberries contain health promoting fibers in unique combination with hundreds of naturally occurring plant compounds (phytonutrients). In fact, raspberries contain the highest percentage of fiber (20%) of any other fruit. Fiber from raspberries helps to lower cholesterol levels, raise beneficial HDL levels, helps prevent constipation, fatigue, intestinal and liver toxicity and promotes growth of beneficial bacterial (i.e, acidophilus and bifidus) throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
The anti-aging properties of the antioxidant and other phytocompounds in raspberries number literally in the hundreds are complex and the health benefits not completely understood. However, a very special group of antioxidants known as polyphenols have been proven to help slow the human aging process; in particular due to the phenolic antioxidant pigment called anthocyanin. What is understood is that, other than someone not liking the taste of raspberries (no way!), there is no medical or health reason that anyone cannot eat raspberries in copious amounts – so everyone benefits. Want your minimum daily dose of vitamin C? No problem as raspberries contain one-half or fifty percent of this essential antioxidant compound. Vitamin C is required for over 3000 enzyme systems in the body; and enzymes are involved with tissue repair in virtually every organ in the body. Vitamin C and quercetin, a synergist (helper) of vitamin C, helps control abnormal cellular and tissue degeneration that results in virtually all manner of disease ranging from arthritis, and osteoporosis to brain atrophy (shrinking), memory loss, heart disease, breast, lung and prostate cancer just to name a few. The antioxidants in raspberries number literally in the hundreds and are combined exactly as nature intended.
Raspberries are high in manganese required for proper estrogen balance, keeps your metabolism revving (promoting fat burning) and detoxification of harmful toxins we are exposed to from environmental and internal body pollution (from the normal aging process). Also rich is iron, folic acid and copper, raspberries help provide needed nutrients to prevent iron, copper and folic acid anemias (deficiencies), reduce the risk of birth-defects and help protect the brain from degenerative changes.
Loaded with a compound called ellagic acid (a.k.a a phenolic compound), raspberries help fight and prevent a large varieties of cancer. Phenolic compounds in raspberries help product the liver and other organs from degeneration, enhance the ability of cells to repair DNA (genetic) damage potentially resulting in cancerous cells and even offset the side-effects (including increased future cancer risk) of chemotherapy treatment itself.
Raspberries can be eaten fresh, snacked on frozen. As a main ingredient in a smoothie raspberries are a power-packed nutritional treat! One-half cut of frozen or fresh raspberries, a banana, half a cup of organic apply juice and half a cup of water is all it takes to fill you up with tons of nutrients with no worries. My research has uncovered so many health benefits of raspberries that I have produced a product called, Reds Protect that combines them with cherries, strawberries, pomegranates, cranberries, backberries, blueberries, papayas, plums, peaches, pears, mangos, watermelon, red currents, nectarines and blood oranges – all in a convenient powder that I mix into my smoothie. My Reds Protect smoothie is not only delicious, it far exceeds the new guidelines calling for over ten (10) different fruits per day for health. Let’s fact it, consuming this much fruit is impossible unless a concentrated food like Reds Protect is available. Hope you love it! I know you will.
Harvard studies have recently suggested that the average individual would benefit with a lowered overall disease risk if they consumed a total of between 8-10 pieces of fruits and vegetables. Personally speaking, I am very aware of these benefits but even I cannot eat this much food! What I have done to resolve this issue is by producing several dehydrated fruit and vegetable products that provides dozens of pieces of fruits and vegetables in a delicious drink – one drink and your all set for the entire day! Anything else you eat is a bonus potentially further reducing your risk of disease and improving your current health.
My best,
Dr. Michael Wald

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.