Community Announcements

Putnam County to Host Passport Saturday on October 1

We are part of The Trust Project

The Putnam County Clerk’s Office will be hosting Putnam County Passport Saturday on October 1 its office located at 40 Gleneida Avenue in Carmel from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to provide passport information to U.S. citizens and to accept passport applications.

Putnam County Clerk Michael C. Bartolotti is holding the event as a convenience to our customers who need to obtain a passport.  The event is available by appointment only. Information on the cost and how to apply for a U.S. passport as well as the link to make the necessary appointment is available at the Putnam County Clerk’s Website located at Only the applicants and necessary parents/guardians will be permitted to enter the office for the appointment.

U.S. citizens must present a valid passport book when entering or re-entering the United States by air.  U.S. citizens entering the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda at land borders and seaports of entry must present a passport book, passport card, or other travel documents approved by the U.S. government.

Bartolotti can be reached at 845-808-1142 X.49301 for any questions or concerns regarding obtaining a U.S. Passport or traveling abroad.

This is a press release provided by the organization. It has been lightly edited and is being published by Examiner Media as a public service.

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