Pleasantville Schools Administrators Decline Merit Pay

Following the lead of their superintendent and business administrator, the Pleasantville School District announced that administrators have declined merit pay.
The move by the administrators was part of a 2-year extension of their contract. The administrators declined merit pay this year and will receive a 1.49 percent raise for next year. Their contract was set to expire in June 2012.
Administrators include the three principals and assistant principals, the Director of Special Education, Athletic Director and the Director of Buildings and Grounds. The move comes on the heels of Superintendent Mary Fox-Alter and Business Administrator David Quattrochi declining a raise and merit pay increase, respectively.
“This allows us to bring them in under the 2-percent cap,” Fox-Alter said. “The board has a goal to bring contracts in at a sustainable level. It’s reflective of these economic times.”
Merit pay increases range between $1500-$2500, more than what a 1.49 percent raise would be.
“We appreciate the administrators for opening up their contract and declining their contractual merit pay raise for a salary raise below the tax levy,” Fox-Alter said.
Fox-Alter called the move fiscally responsible, and said that it is an economically sustainable move.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.