
Pierce Has the Skills, Background to Be Highly Effective County Lawmaker

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We have a wonderful candidate to follow Kitley Covil, who is stepping down as county legislator in District 2. Erika Pierce was assistant to Kitley, and, in addition to the knowledge she acquired on how county government operates, she brings leadership experience in the private sector and in the nonprofit world. She is a certified high school and special education teacher and was an active parent when her children went to Katonah-Lewisboro public schools.

County government is complex and involves maintaining and enhancing physical infrastructure (for example, parks, roads, bridges) and human infrastructure (services for children, the elderly, the disabled and others). Erika has worked with local officeholders, school administrators and community organizations. She is known to listen and advocate.

The Census results indicated growth for Westchester. We do not want to go backward with respect to fighting COVID-19 or being a place people come and stay to live. Vote for Erika Pierce and vote to re-elect George Latimer.

Jeanine Meyer
Mount Kisco

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