Par 3 Developers Should Concentrate on Project, Not Frivolous Lawsuit
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I have been following the progress of the Par 3 Golf Course (a Town Park) and continue to be dismayed at the lack of cooperation and progress by RC Recreation Development. It has been over eight years since this project has been introduced.
I read in last week’s paper that the developer has not taken the opportunity to even begin to rectify the many violations found on the property. As I continued to read the article, I became more and more concerned as quite a few of these violations revolved around life safety. One particular violation that stood out was the use of water lines as electrical conduit, which tells me that the developer is in way over his head and needs to move on.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Supervisor Slater, Councilman Sergio Esposito and Building Inspector John Landi for, as I see it, continuously trying to work with the developer but mainly for standing up for all of us in Yorktown. I want to thank them for their fair and honest approach and their dedication to moving Yorktown forward because at the end of the day I would like to enjoy the use of this public park.
Lastly, it’s my understanding that RC Recreation Development has filed a lawsuit against the town and these officials. Perhaps RC Development should spend more time developing the Par 3 Golf Course and less time writing political hit pieces disguised as a lawsuit. A lawsuit is not only frivolous but a waste of taxpayers’ money.
Marianne Violante
Yorktown Heights
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