
Of Course, Lawler Endorsed Trump. Who Would He Support for President?

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This is in response to a letter written and published last week by Bonnie Smith (“Why Did Lawler Endorse Trump, Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire”).

After reading the quite comical letter, I felt obligated to answer her question. Why did Lawler endorse Trump? Well, I cannot speak directly for Mr. Lawler, who I support by the way. However, let me give it a try.

  1. Trump and Lawler are both Republicans.
  2. Perhaps Mike Lawler knows Trump can save America and make our country great again.
  3. Most likely Lawler knows the country has been steered radically left and we as Americans need to stop it. If we want change, we have to vote for change across the board.

Ms. Smith speaks of Trump conspiracies and lies, which is ironic because all she does in her letter is spew lies and conspiracy theories. Her hate for a man she does not even know is alarming; even more alarming there are many more like her. I will never understand how people can hate someone they don’t know so much, yet they are the same people calling for unity, love and kindness for all.

If you support Lawler and not Trump, vote accordingly. That is your right. But do not think you are changing any Republican or Lawler supporters’ minds about Trump. Most Republicans will vote for both because we know Trump derangement syndrome is very real, and if we allow it to fester the country will become an ultra-liberal and socialist Third World country.

Vote for change, vote for Trump!

Eric Andreoli

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