Mount Pleasant Rec & Parks Thanks Community for Great Summer Camp
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The Mount Pleasant Recreation & Parks Department would like to say thank you to some of the people who made the 2022 Mount Pleasant Camp year special. Mount Pleasant had over 1,000 kids in our camps and hundreds of counselors and employees. It took a lot of work and coordination from some dedicated people.
We would like to thank the Mount Pleasant School District for hosting our camps, specifically Superintendent Peter Giarrizzo and Director of Facilities Eric Strack. We also need to thank the Westlake High School/Middle School and the Hawthorne custodial staff for their great work throughout the summer. Camp would not be a success without our great camp directors, so a HUGE thank you to them as well.
Finally, to all the campers and families, thanks for attending and we hope you had a blast.
See you next summer!
Doug Scott, Superintendent of Recreation and the full-time Recreation & Parks team