Mirchandani Prepared to Do the Hard Work to Tackle Yorktown’s Issues
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
As a longtime Yorktown resident, I am writing to express my strong support for Jann Mirchandani in the upcoming special election for town supervisor on Apr. 16. In this crucial race, the choice before voters could not be clearer.
On one side, we have Mirchandani, a fresh voice with a thoughtful, comprehensive vision to address Yorktown’s most pressing issues. As a local small business owner and Scout leader, Jann understands the concerns of our community intimately. Her platform rightly prioritizes restoring ethical governance, increasing transparency and accountability, funding long-overdue infrastructure improvements and embracing renewable energy opportunities.
Jann’s opponent, Ed Lachterman, offers nothing of the sort. Despite serving two terms on the Town Board, Councilman Lachterman has failed to put forward any substantive plan to tackle Yorktown’s eroding ethics standards, crumbling infrastructure or lack of environmental sustainability initiatives. He seems content with maintaining an unacceptable status quo.
Instead of constructive ideas, Lachterman has bombarded our community with oversized campaign billboards prominently displayed in public spaces and on private properties receiving preferential development approvals during his tenure. These visually-polluting signs are a stance in itself – a passionate embrace of self-promotion through blunt-force marketing over thoughtful policymaking.
Yorktown deserves better than bumper-sticker sloganeering and blind continuity. We have an opportunity on Apr. 16 to elect a supervisor in Jann Mirchandani who is doing the hard work of crafting sensible solutions to our town’s pressing issues. Her platform signals a refreshing departure from politics as usual and a return to governance centered on ethics, the environment and the interests of all Yorktown residents.
For those reasons, I wholeheartedly endorse Jann Mirchandani for supervisor. After years of stagnant leadership, our town needs her energetic vision to steer us toward a brighter, more sustainable future. On Apr. 16, I urge my fellow citizens to vote for positive change by voting for Jann Mirchandani.
Debbie Levy
Yorktown Heights

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