
Melstein Has Key Qualities to Be a Successful School Board Member

Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.

We are part of The Trust Project

I am writing in support of Rob Melstein to become our next elected trustee for the Ossining Board of Education on May 16.

Rob has lived in Ossining for 13 years, has a child in the district and has been highly involved with the school board, having attended nearly all meetings since 2021. Rob also volunteered for and was appointed to the board’s Facilities Committee. This committee is working on a major capital plan to set up our schools for success over the next decade. He is someone who does his homework and researches the topics being discussed at these meetings – and actively challenges the status quo in an effort to advocate for improving the quality of education for all children.

Rob has engaged members from across the community to gather their input and feedback. Because of this engagement, Rob has managed to garner broad-based support and has been endorsed by the Ossining Teachers Association, a union that represents more than 400 education professionals in our district.

What I find most impressive about Rob is his steady and balanced collaborative leadership style. He listens to all sides, asks questions to understand many points of view and engages in fact-based discussions – especially around his efforts to support equity through improving reading, writing, math and financial literacies and skilled trades education. I believe Rob is a quintessential candidate who will add a lot of value through collaboration across all stakeholders.

As a community member, Rob has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to our children and district. He has been actively engaged in a variety of local volunteer programs from AYSO Soccer, Recreation Center Basketball and JCYS Baseball, to his service on the Ossining Upper Elementary PTA.

Rob will also bring over 25 years of business experience in marketing, communications, finance and project management to the board. These are skills needed on the board to help drive greater fiscally sound decisions to support the education and well-being of all of our children.

I believe Rob will work well with the current board, the administration, educators and the community at large. I highly recommend Rob Melstein as your next Ossining Board of Education trustee.

Vote May 16 at Ossining High School.

You can learn more about Rob and his platform on his website, www.RobforBOE.com or RobforBOE on Facebook.

Roger Battacharia
Robert Battacharia is a current Ossining Board of Education member. This letter represents solely his views.

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