Max Impact Training
Want to burn off the pounds but have no idea how to get optimal results? Valhalla native Frank Daniels can show you how, thanks to an exercise program he created called Get Your Fitness On Boot Camp. Daniels’ program focuses specifically on metabolic training, a series of structural and compound exercises that maximize the burning of calories during a workout and for several hours following it.

Daniels, who owns Max Impact Training, a White Plains-based business, has always been interested in exercise. As a child, he spent hours reading health and fitness magazines, and as a student in Valhalla High School, he gravitated towards football and baseball and was also on the high school wrestling team.
While Daniels could be considered a natural athlete, he doesn’t believe that one has to be naturally coordinated to get involved in an exercise program. In fact, Daniels believes that most people shy away from what appear to be strenuous exercise workouts because they believe they can’t perform them well enough.
“People tend to think that if they can’t do something right on the first try they are not good at it,” he noted. “As a result, they tend to pigeonhole themselves, but what they don’t realize is that anything that is done in repetition is actually developing a skill.”
In his new 2,500–square-foot gym, which he officially opened a month ago, Daniels has created a space that is ideal for the person who wants to lose weight and get in shape, but it’s also geared toward the serious athlete who is looking for a place to train. Daniels formerly ran a fitness program out of the Westchester Boxing Club located on Ferris Avenue in White Plains.
“My approach to training is that I consider everyone to be an athlete,” said Daniels, who is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. “If you train hard you’re going to be in better shape automatically,” he added.
That philosophy is put into action every day as Daniels works with groups of people who enroll in small group training sessions, in the larger boot camp sessions and with athletes who come to him for personal training. His 45-minute express boot camps are particularly geared to busy men and women who are looking to maximize time and results, he explained.
The workouts, which are based on a cutting-edge interval training system that is scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat than an ordinary exercise routine, consist of running and sprinting drills, squats, lunges, push-ups and the use of various tools that can be found throughout the gym.
They include the popular Valslides, the foam-colored spheres the length of one’s foot that help tone legs, core, upper body and more; battle ropes, a conditioning tool that’s a good alternative to jogging or sprinting on a treadmill; medicine balls, which are used for strengthening areas such as the core; sandbags; TRX bands; kettle bells and more.
Daniels’ intent is not only to get his clients in shape, but to help them perform their exercises properly. That includes maintaining proper body posture and form, especially when doing strength exercises. Discipline, patience and concentration are also necessary tools for success, he added, as is joint balance. “My goal is keep them safer, feel better and maximize their metabolism.”
Apart from being a fitness enthusiast and having a passion for health, Daniels takes his business very seriously. Finding the best health-related information and passing it along to his clients is important to him. His YouTube site has a variety of helpful videos related to proper nutrition, exercise techniques and other topics.
He also provides a six-day fat loss e-course to customers who sign up on his website (, and Daniels sends out a regular e-newsletter full of useful tips. Customers who sign on with him will also receive a complete nutrition guide to further enhance fat loss.
“So many people join big box gyms and really don’t get the instruction and guidance they need,” said Daniels, adding that the entire staff at Max Impact Training is serious about getting to know each and every client, from recognizing their names to being cognizant of their individual needs.
Max Impact Training is located at 5 Prospect Avenue, White Plains. For more information or to sign up for a free two-week try-out, visit the website listed above or call 914-424-5703.
Colette Connolly is a copywriter and p.r. expert. She owns Connolly Communications, which is based in Bronxville, New York. Colette specializes in providing content-rich, SEO-optimized press releases, articles, newsletters, brochures, and customer success stories.