Letter to the Editor: Supporting Local Businesses is Key to Healthy, Vibrant Communities
The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly difficult for us all. Whether you were sick, lost a loved one or spent endless nights worrying about yourself or your family, the effects of this crisis have been far-reaching and long-lasting.
But as vaccination rates increase and we slowly return to a more normal way of life, we must remember our small business owners. They bore an enormous burden throughout the pandemic and many are still struggling.
Even as indoor dining returns, restaurant business remains well below pre-pandemic levels. Revenues at dry cleaners, nail salons and other businesses have declined dramatically as people stayed home and opted to buy online. We’ve heard of business owners taking second and third loans just to stay in business. Unfortunately, others have already had to close. Losing any local business affects the social and economic vibrancy of our entire community.
But we can help our friends and neighbors. The next time you think of ordering from Amazon or venturing to Costco, please consider Harrison’s local stores and storekeepers. When deciding to eat out, choose the restaurants in your neighborhood, instead of national chains. If you are uncomfortable dining indoors, many establishments within Harrison offer outdoor seating. Tip well if you are able. And be patient and understanding of any delays or if something doesn’t go quite right.
For more info on local establishments check out the Harrison Public Library’s “Taste of Harrison” program (https://www.harrisonpl.org/taste-of-harrison) and the Harrison Chamber of Commerce’s website (https://harrisonchamberofcommerce.com).
The Moving Harrison Forward team of Frank Gordon for mayor and Rachel Berkey and Adam Weiner for Town Board, is committed to supporting local business in Harrison. Follow us all year long as we highlight some of the wonderful offerings of businesses around town. And join us in showing your support for the community by posting any recommendations you may have on social media.
More information on the Moving Harrison Forward team can be found at www.movingharrisonforward.com.
Adam Weiner
Candidate for Town Board
Moving Harrison Forward

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