Letter to the Editor: Proposed Carbon Tax Would Be Hardship for New York’s Drivers
This is in response to the letter by Assemblywoman Sandy Galef in the April 27-May 3 issue (“Property Tax Circuit Breaker Was a Long Time Coming for Homeowners”).
Ms. Galef writes a good letter about the STAR program and the property tax cap that help residents struggling with rising school and property taxes.
In Ms. Galef’s letter she speaks of her success introducing a property tax circuit breaker that will result in a credit to those eligible for the STAR program that have less than $250,000 in income.
I was disappointed to learn that Ms. Galef has recently endorsed New York Senate Bill S4264A sponsored by Kevin Parker of New York City. This bill seeks to impose a 55-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax (carbon tax) increase in New York State (see article 3041 of the bill). This tax will affect all carbon-based fuels sold or brought into the state, including coal, home heating oil, natural gas, electricity, waste-to-energy conversion and biomass (see paragraph 3042). The bill also states that the amount of carbon tax will increase 5 percent annually.
This bill will definitely affect everyone, especially those making less than $250,000 a year and be another reason for people on fixed incomes to leave New York State after retiring.
The pandemic has caused many local businesses to close and others to lay off employees in Putnam County. Those people must now travel further to gain employment and a 55-cent-per-gallon carbon tax increase will become a harsh reality for working and living in New York. If a vehicle holds 18 gallons of fuel it will result in an increase of about $10 per tank.
Please call the offices of Assemblywoman Galef (518-455-5348), Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (518-455-5783), state Sen. Kevin Parker (518-455-2580) and state Sen. Peter Harckham (518-455-2340) to oppose this unjust carbon tax. Also sign Sen. Sue Serino’s petition opposing this tax at Serino@nysenate.gov.
Peter Gebhardt

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