Letter to the Editor: Carmel Board of Ed Making Another Error With Second Budget Vote
Here we go again. The Carmel school budget gets defeated and right away the Board of Education wants to vote on it again. Sound familiar?
Once again, they disregard the vote of the people. Again, they want to tell us what’s good for us.
In the real world, successful businesses operate within a realistic budget. They don’t keep pulling money from their profits to operate. If they do, sooner or later they will go broke. It is the school board’s responsibility to operate within the budget that the voters have approved. To keep putting failed budgets up for a re-vote, quite frankly, shows the board’s failure to conform to the voters’ wishes. Remember the bus garage fiasco?
Furthermore, it shows they cannot figure out how to make things work. Successful people figure these things out. This is a lesson the board needs to learn. While it is not an easy task it is the way it is.
Trying to send the budget for a re-vote is just another attempt to take the easy way out. When are they going to figure out that most people are tired of paying ridiculously high school taxes? Taxes that go up every year. The board needs to figure out what they can do to make things work with what they have. Winners can make things work. Losers cannot.
John Cianflone

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