Lawler, Slater Are the Types of Republicans That Should Be Emulated
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
Joe Simometti’s attempt last week in his letter (“Jones Will Represent District Well With His Views on Key Issues of the Day”) to link Rep. Mike Lawler to the extreme MAGA wing of the Republican Party falls short with the announcement by Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy that Lawler is the fourth most bipartisan member of Congress. Additionally, Lawler recently showed his independence by being strongly for aid to Ukraine when the leadership of his party was still following the Trump-led desire to block such aid.
I hope that Lawler and Assemblyman Matt Slater are the face of a new Republican Party that can “disagree without being disagreeable.” (One only has to remember John McCain calling Barack Obama “a good man with whom I disagree politically.”) We need two strong parties able to debate issues without the current name-calling and rancor.
Both Lawler and Slater have not shied away from disagreeing on policy with the opposition party but have been respectful to members of that party and have given credit to the President and governor whenever they have signed legislation that benefited their respective districts.
I also have difficulty with the recent activities of Mondaire Jones. After being treated poorly by former congressman Sean Patrick Maloney in the last redistricting and forced out, he moved to New York City, ran in a new district and, after losing in a primary, moved back to Westchester to run again here. Is he just in search of a job? If he loses here, will he move to Lake George, Great Neck or wherever to try again?
John F. McMullen
Jefferson Valley

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