Lake Mahopac Graphic Design, Mahopac

Photo credit: Neal Rentz
Westchester and Putnam residents and businesses seeking Web site creation and updates, business cards and advertisements have a resource in Lake Mahopac Graphic Design.
Barbara Tierney operates the business out of her home studio in Mahopac.
One of Tierney’s current clients is the Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce. She is currently working on an advertisement for the Chamber.
Tierney said last week she provides a wide variety of services. “I do logos, brochures, posters banners and everything like that,” she said.
Tierney has owned her own business since 2006. Previously, she was employed by International Masters Publishers in New York City as an art director in the creative department of the continuity direct mail company.
“We were the first company that started doing recipe cards and children’s products and music products,” she recalled. “You sign up and you just keep getting them.” Tierney designed direct mail pieces.
Before being hired by International Masters Publishers, Tierney worked for the advertising agency Lois Pitts Gershon in New York City. Some of the agency’s clients included USA Today and MTV. “We were the agency that launched MTV and Nickelodeon,” Tierney said. She did production work for the agency.
Tierney said she always wanted to be a graphic designer. After leaving Lois Pitts Gershon, Tierney went back to school in upstate New York. She worked a freelancer and was subsequently hired by International Masters.
In 2006, International Masters eliminated her position and Tierney said, “I had no choice” and became a freelancer full-time. One of her freelance jobs was working for the children’s book division of Readers Digest. “I was getting a lot of freelance work, but I couldn’t get a permanent position,” she said.
At first it was difficult being a full-time freelancer, Tierney said. “It’s really hard because you don’t have a paycheck coming in.”
Tierney said she publicizes her business through her web site and word of mouth. Some of her current projects include creating a web site for a Reiki business and a project for United for the Troops in Mahopac. “I’ve got a lot of balls in the air,” she said.
Tierney is redesigning the United for the Troops Web site. “They’re a great organization. They put together packages for our troops that are deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq,” Tierney said. The packages are filled with such items as toiletries and candy, she noted. “They get these wonderful letters from the soldiers,” she said. “They have a lot of volunteers.”
It is important for a business to have a web site, Tierney said. “A lot of people think that just having Facebook is enough,” she said. “I don’t think it’s enough because it doesn’t look like you’re a legitimate business. “
“Just having a web site isn’t necessarily the best thing and just having Facebook is definitely not the best thing,” Tierney said. “But having them combined with other social media is very important for any small business.”
For more information about Lake Mahopac Graphic Design, call 914-907-2037, visit or send an e-mail to