Lachterman’s Experience Makes Hime a Superior Choice for Yorktown
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
All those who voted for Tom Diana in November now must vote for Ed to see Yorktown move in the positive direction Tom Diana and the board envisioned. Tom chose Ed to be his deputy supervisor; now we must pick Ed to fulfill that confidence.
The special election scheduled for Apr. 16 is the most important election Yorktown voters will have to make. The sudden death of newly-elected Supervisor Tom Diana three days after his first Town Board meeting of 2024 sent shock waves through the town and beyond. We must consider very carefully what we want for Yorktown. A government for the people was Tom’s platform; now we must face a realistic choice.
Ed Lachterman is the only candidate who shared those goals, and when elected, Ed will continue to work to keep Yorktown going in the right direction. The town’s motto, Progress with Preservation, says it all. Lachterman will fight to keep Yorktown the safest small town in the U.S.
Ed has been a councilman for eight years. He will make decisions based on what works for Yorktown’s people. His opponent will likely make political decisions based on how she can benefit or grow the party.
Once again experience is the key factor.
Experience is a 10-letter word that denotes having gained knowledge through observation and/or participation of a particular subject. Ed Lachterman brings valuable experience to the board.
Experiment is another 10-letter word in which you perform a series of actions and observe their effects in order to learn about something. Is that what you want, a student supervisor?
This election requires experience, leadership and the ability to get things done. The opposition lacks all three. Once again, on-the-job training is not an option and will not benefit Yorktown. Experience separates the professional from the amateur who will gain experience at the taxpayers’ expense.
It’s time for us to not play the opposition’s game of politics, but to vote for the candidate with real earned experience. Vote Ed Lachterman on Apr. 16.
Experience NOT experiments.
Jeanne Troiano
Yorktown Heights

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