Keeping a Home Tidy Can Be a Messy Affair for Some
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
By Bill Primavera
As I watch my wife neatly fold the laundry she’s just removed from the dryer, I recall fondly a memory from long ago.
She denies the story now, or claims she doesn’t remember it, but when we were first dating, my wife visited my bachelor pad and, without invitation, peeked into my underwear drawer. That’s when I knew I was a goner. It was evident that she had claimed me for her own by checking out my undies.
As was my habit, the underwear wasn’t neatly folded, but just dumped in “as is” from the dryer.
I am certainly no example because I never did fall into the habit of neatness, but I was fortunate enough to marry a neatnik.
For those who wonder how to have a clean and well-organized house all the time, I borrow a list from the experts at Merry Maids of seven top cleaning habits of neat people. Whether you consider yourself a reasonably tidy person or someone who could use a little motivation, adding even a couple of these suggestions can make a big impact.
Make the Bed
This suggestion will likely be found on every list of habits shared by neat people – and for good reason. Starting the day with this one simple task, it is said, sets an intention for tidiness and productivity that can carry through until bedtime.
Have a Laundry Schedule
I should be embarrassed to admit this, but since marriage, I have never once started the washing machine. I’ve even had to consult my wife to learn what the buttons on a washing machine say.
Depending on how many people live in a home, its laundry needs will vary. Neat people with a larger household often commit to doing a load of laundry each day to keep it manageable. For those with smaller households, designate a specific day or days each week for washing clothes and linens. Ultimately, the key is to stay consistent and make sure laundry doesn’t pile up or become overwhelming.
Assess the Fridge Weekly
Merry Maids says to make a schedule to take stock of what’s in the fridge and freezer once a week. Toss out anything that’s expired, clean out containers of forgotten leftovers and wipe up any spills or sticky spots. Creating this weekly habit will keep the task more manageable and will give you a better idea of what you have on hand versus what you need when you go grocery shopping.
Clean While You Cook
For some, cooking requires enough energy that cleaning up gets put off until later. Sometimes later is after dinner, but sometimes it’s the next day or longer. Food left on cookware and dishes can harden and become more difficult to clean, or worse, attract pests.
Merry Maids suggests the following when you cook:
- Make sure the dishwasher is empty of clean dishes.
- Fill the sink basin with a few inches of warm soapy water.
- Keep a damp rag nearby to wipe up any spills or crumbs as you cook.
- As you finish with a dishwasher-safe utensil or cookware item, give it a rinse or a dunk in the basin and put it into the dishwasher.
- As you finish with items you hand wash, put them to soak in the sink.
- If you have downtime while waiting for something to boil or finish baking, wash the dishes in the sink and let them dry in the rack.
This should cut down significantly on post-dinner cleanup. After eating, rinse the remaining dishes, load them into the dishwasher and start a wash cycle. Put away the dishes you washed while cooking (they should be dry now) and wash any last pieces that couldn’t go in the dishwasher. Give the counter, stove and table one last swipe with a damp cloth and enjoy a clean kitchen.
Declutter Regularly
People with neat and tidy homes generally are in the habit of getting rid of what they don’t need. Maybe that means having a one-in, one-out policy when it comes to buying new clothes or books. Or maybe it involves keeping a permanent donation bin in the closet or the garage and making regular trips to the donation center to empty it. When there are fewer things to keep tidy, it’s easier to keep your home neat.
Tidy Up Before Winding Down
Before turning in for the night, neat people make a quick sweep of their home to address any stray articles of clothing, abandoned snack bowls or rogue toys. When this becomes a regular habit, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes each night, and you’ll wake up to a tidier house.
Hire a Housecleaning Service
Understandably, Merry Maids suggests cleaning professionals who can visit once a week – or even just once a month – to take care of those tedious tasks that take up so much free time. They can handle dusting, vacuuming, mopping, window cleaning and more, leaving nothing but a spotlessly clean home to enjoy. An unexpected bonus? Once you experience just how clean your home can be, you may find yourself naturally adopting many of the habits listed above.
A Closing Anecdote
When my wife and I were considering buying our first home in Brooklyn Heights, the owner had a special request that we keep on retainer his maid to come in once a week to clean the house. That request closed the deal for my wife.
Bill Primavera is a realtor associated with William Raveis Real Estate and founder of Primavera Public Relations, Inc., the longest-running public relations agency in Westchester (, specializing in lifestyles, real estate and development. To engage the services of The Home Guru and his team to market your home for sale, call 914-522-2076.

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