Jazz Saxophonist Set for Special Performance at North Castle Library

By Janine Bowen
Local jazz lovers who want to experience a unique musical performance should check out the Daniel Bennett Group this Sunday at the North Castle Public Library in Armonk.
The jazz group, which has been together for the past decade, will be celebrating the release of its fifth album, “Clockhead Goes to Camp,” at the performance.
“The Armonk library has a tradition of being a great community-minded arts institution,” said saxophonist and group namesake Daniel Bennett. “I had been looking for a nice venue for our Westchester release [and] Armonk was the perfect choice.”
Bennett, who recently composed the original musical score for the stage adaptation of “Frankenstein” at the Hudson Guild Theatre in Manhattan, also expressed gratitude at how audiences in Westchester, where he has played several times in the past, are supportive and open-minded when it comes to the arts.
That’s a good thing because the Daniel Bennett Group, which is based in Manhattan, may be a jazz ensemble but Bennett said the group is able to explore many more genres of music than traditional jazz. Some publications have described the group’s sound as “folk jazz.”
“Our music constantly crosses over into jazz, folk, pop and beyond,” said Bennett, who isn’t concerned about competition from Top 40 pop music.
The group has found its niche in the music industry and hopes to attract even more fans with their new album.
“’Clockhead Goes to Camp’ is upbeat and catchy. The band taps into our pop sensibilities while also maintaining a slightly avant-garde jazz approach,” Bennett said as he described the recording. “There’s something for everyone on this new album.”
Residents who want to check out the group for themselves can attend the free concert at the New Castle Public Library, located at 19 Whippoorwill Rd. East, from 3 to 4 p.m. Bennett promises that audience members will be in for a good time.
“Expect the unexpected,” he said. “Anything can happen…our concerts are lighthearted and engaging. I always encourage families to come out.”
To find out more about the Daniel Bennett Group, visit www.danielbennett.net.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.