
It’s Time Yorktown Halts the Constant Revisions to Underhill Farms Plan

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As most attendees to the public hearings before the Yorktown Town and Planning boards over many years, I thought we were through with additional modifications and changes to the Underhill Farms site plan. However, developer-requested changes continue to rain down on the two boards. This equates to a “death by a thousand cuts.” The developer should be told no more, adhere to the approved site plan or the Town and Planning boards will revoke approvals and restart the process from scratch.

The continuous requested changes demonstrate a discourteous and rude attitude toward these boards and a disregard of the endless hours that they have already devoted to this project. One has to wonder if the initial plan was just a ruse to gain approval, knowing that the project with the now requested changes would not have been approved.

It is time to say no!

Jay Kopstein

Yorktown Heights

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