Inaugural Somers Relay for Life a Success

The Somers community came out in droves to the inaugural Relay for Life held at Somers Middle School last week. Hundreds attended and raised more than $100,000 for the American Cancer Society, a total that obliterated the targeted $50,000 goal.
“We are fortunate that we exceeded our expectations,” said Somers Town Supervisor Mary Beth Murphy, who as a Lions Club member worked with the Somers Lions Club to organize the event.
Somers’ first Relay for Life was sparked by the Somers Leo’s Club participation in Yorktown’s Relay last year. The student Leos and their advisors were touched by the joy and fun of an event dedicated to the eradication of a disease that impacts so many lives.
During the 12-hour overnight event, 40 teams had members take turns walking or running around the track.
See photos from the event below.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.