How Can GOP Reinstate Full SALT Reduction When They Took it Away?
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I am writing to educate my fellow Hudson Valley residents on state and local taxes (SALT), because Mike Lawler and his allies continue to mislead us about the fate of our once and hopefully future deduction.
Trump and congressional Republicans saddled us with the SALT cap in the first place. Before 2017, married New York couples were able to fully deduct state and local taxes from their federal income tax filings. The 2017 SALT revisions, signed into law by then-President Donald Trump, restricted the amount we can deduct to $10,000 for both individuals and married couples.
But the cap is set to expire next year. So as long as nothing is done to extend it, we’ll be able to resume taking the full deduction next tax season.
Lawler wants to present himself as the savior of the deduction, but he is already too late for those of us who are filing our taxes now. And there is no need for us to swallow the poison pills Republicans are trying to force down our throats in order to get it removed now. If they were serious about trying to help Hudson Valley homeowners, they’d pass a clean bill lifting the cap.
But they aren’t, and they aren’t likely to get anything done on this in enough time to help us this tax season, because the Republican House isn’t likely to get much done period. This has been the least productive Congress in decades, thanks to Republican dysfunction.
Any moves Lawler makes toward SALT are political stunts. But with enough voter turnout in November, we’ll be rid of him and the cap on the SALT deduction.
If you’re not already registered to vote, register now. If you’re registered, make sure to vote for Mondaire Jones in November.
Judy Allen
Putnam Valley

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