
Harckham’s Legislative Priorities Represent the Ideals of Our Country

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People from across the political spectrum are recognizing that this is the most important election of our lifetime. We are seeing large numbers of leaders from one party, the Republicans, endorsing the candidate of the other party, Joe Biden, because protecting our democracy is more important than allegiance to party.

We are facing unprecedented challenges ranging from the pandemic to the climate crisis to the threat of violence from white supremacists and militias. 

Our state legislature needs to be prepared to plan and legislate creatively and equitably.

The difference between Sen. Pete Harckham and the Republican candidate couldn’t be more stark. Pete has proven how hard he will work for us and how much he can accomplish.  

Two issues that are very important to me are moving to make the ideals of our country a reality and addressing climate change. Sen. Harckham co-sponsored the Climate Leadership and Community Protections Act, which puts us on track to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He has held food drives to help families. He has supported increased funding for education. He has also worked to make our state more equitable by recognizing the toll of opioid and drug abuse and moving us to a caring stance for those who are suffering.

Please vote for Sen. Pete Harckham and other Democratic candidates.   

Karen E. Johnson

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