Greenburgh Capital Budget: Money for Roads, Police Cars and Plows, Pump Station Fixes
By Jon Craig
If Greenburgh department heads get their wishes this year, the town will spend more than $12 million on street paving and stormwater projects, new police cars, plows and garbage trucks as well as new lighting, a courthouse entrance and a boiler for the public library.
Greenburg Supervisor Paul Feiner released a list of proposed projects, which will be discussed during the Town Board’s next regular meeting May 28 at 7:30 p.m. The proposed spending plan includes details on capital spending through 2016.
Among other vehicle purchases, Feiner proposes spending $350,000 on a specialized garbage truck that picks up trash using a hydraulic arm. The vehicle uses one worker instead of three, reducing the town’s personnel costs. Other Department of Public Works equipment that Feiner wants replaced dates back to the 1990s.
Last year, the town began to phase in the use of more efficient streetlights. Feiner proposes spending $500,000 to replace more lights, part of a three-year project. The capital budget includes $100,000 for an aerial lift truck needed to safely replace lights.
The supervisor also proposes spending $1,750,000 to rehabilitate the Rumbrook Pump station as a backup water supply to the Knollwood Road pump station. He also proposes $2.5 million in “water tank rehabilitation.”
Feiner also wants to spend more than $2 million for road repaving and curb replacement projects. The proposed spending is in addition to $1.6 million in repaving projects previously approved but not yet started. “So we anticipate spending $3 million this summer (and) fall for road repaving,’’ Feiner said.
The capital budget also includes $1 million for the town-wide property reassessment project, expected to cost a total of $3.7 million. Feiner’s 16-page proposal, and various departments’ requests and plans can be found on the Internet at:
Other proposed expenses in the 2015-2016 capital budget include: $100,000 for a new boiler at the Greenburgh Public Library; $84,000 in various equipment for the town Parks and Recreation Department; $274,000 for five new Tahoe vehicles for the Police Department; $54,000 for “advanced license plate readers” for the Police Department; $150,000 to reconstruct the entrance to the Town Court, also making it compliant with accessibility requirements under the federal American with Disabilities Act; $320,000 to replace heavy trucks equipped with snow plows; $115,000 to replace a backhoe in service since 1999; and $65,000 to replace a tractor used to mow grass since 1993.
Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.