Letter to the Editor: Galef Should Concentrate on More Important Issues Than Renaming Park
With respect to Assemblywoman Sandy Galef’s objection to the name of park property originally intended by the Trump Organization to be a golf course (“Galef Calls for Removal of Trump Name From State Park,” Jan. 19-25) described by her as “just abandoned buildings and some wetlands,” the property could not be developed because of local government objections, not because it couldn’t be used as a golf course. Significant expense was incurred to show how that development could occur. It is now part of a conservation easement.
Everyone loves open space, even Ms. Galef. Maybe the contribution was conditioned on it bearing the Trump name? Why would Mr. Pataki or the late Pete Seeger want the honor Ms. Galef suggests of having their names attached to some abandoned buildings and some wetlands? Me thinks it’s Trump derangement syndrome.
I think Ms. Galef should concentrate on reducing the size of state government and reducing state income taxes for the diminishing number of people who continue to legally reside here.
Paul Jaffe

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