For North Castle, it’s DiGiacinto, Ruisi and Orellana
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I love this town. Let me say that again. I love this town. And I’ve learned how to love this Town from some of this town’s best, including Barbara DiGiacinto.
I’ve served this great town for 16 years, 10 as supervisor, and Barbara DiGiacinto is the best choice to succeed me, and Larry Ruisi and Mel Orellana are best for councilman. Barbara has served as my deputy supervisor, and has excelled using her advanced intergovernmental, constituent, budget, policy and management skills.
Experience matters. Town experience matters. For over 60 years, every supervisor elected in North Castle had experience serving as a councilman except for my predecessor. And the town limited him to one term for a reason. Experience really does matter. Especially in these times where a steady hand is needed.
Over the last 16 years, I’ve been fortunate to develop a wealth of knowledge to know what this town needs as leadership. As example, there is no Democratic or Republican way to pave or plow our roads, pick up our garbage, maintain excellent fiscal health with a AAA Moody’s bond rating and maintain the library and Recreation Department that rival the best in the county.
Although it may come as a surprise to some that I am a Democrat endorsing Republicans, it shouldn’t. Through my 16 years, it’s always town first for me, not politics, as example both of my deputy supervisors were Republican because they were simply the best for the job.
For Town Board, I urge you to vote for Ruisi and Orellana. Simply put, Larry is one of the most qualified candidates ever! His business resume is unmatched running some of the largest companies in our country, but he has taken that experience over the last 13 years to help our town, serving as an almost extra Town Board member. His work leading the Budget and Finance Committee led to paving our entire town’s roads years ahead of schedule, strengthened our fund balance and helped produce 0 percent tax increases. He served on hiring committees to staff the critical town positions of director of finance and town administrator. And he serves on the County Airport Advisory Subcommittee and fought and won to not allow extra planes over North Castle.
Mel reminds me of me from 2007. He is a young dad and husband with daughters, immersed in their lives and sports, but finds time to volunteer for the town with his role on our Architectural Review Board. Like me, he’ll take his private sector best practices and apply them to local government to better our town. As a private business owner, Mel’s experience will be invaluable to our great town.
I strongly urge you to vote for Barbara, Larry, and Mel. Our town needs them.
Michael Schiliro
North Castle Town Supervisor

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