Examiner Circulation Audit Proves Power of Print
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More than 90 percent of the papers Examiner Media circulates are picked up by readers, a Circulation Verification Council audit has found. A separate readership study by the CVC revealed that over 70 percent of the newspapers’ readers purchase products or services from ads they have seen in the publications.
The CVC–an independent, third-party Missouri-based reporting audit company–audits thousands of publications nationwide with a combined circulation of 55 million.
The scientific readership study, based on 329 respondents, found that 47 percent of Examiner Media print readers keep their copy of the paper for five to six days or one week or more.
“In today’s new media environment I am impressed that nearly half your readers wait for the new print edition before disposing of their current copy,” CVC President and CEO Tim Bingaman said.
Additionally, the report concludes there are just over 2.5 readers per Examiner copy picked up.
The newspapers’ readers are 58 percent female and 21 percent are between the ages of 35 and 44, while another 21 percent are between the ages of 45 and 54.
“Examiner Media’s age demographics [also] show that young people continue to read local media,” Bingaman said. “Sixty-three percent of readers are under the age of 54 with 59 percent falling into the targeted 25 to 54 age groups.”
Also, 24 percent of Examiner Media households earn more than $150,000 annually, with 68 percent of readers having attended college.
“Examiner Media is certainly delivering affluent readers in the areas you serve,” Bingaman said. “Fifty-four percent of readers report a household income over $100,000 per year compared to 43 percent of the market.”
The readership study has a +/-2.5 margin of error. The separate six-month circulation verification audit of Examiner Media’s 25,000 print run was conducted from October 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013. Findings were released last week. A PDF copy of the readership study is available online on the Advertising page at TheExaminerNews.com: http://www.theexaminernews.com/pdf/CVC-reader-survey-2013.pdf
CVC interviews substantiate Examiner Media readers pick up all but eight percent of the Examiner Media print run. The national average is 17 percent.
Examiner Media Publisher Adam Stone said the company was thrilled with the findings.
“The audit and readership study offer further proof that people are thirsty for well-reported local news and count on local newspapers to help inform purchasing decisions,” Stone said.
Examiner Media publishes The Examiner, The White Plains Examiner, The Northern Westchester Examiner and The Putnam Examiner in print, and also operates a corresponding news and information website, TheExaminerNews.com.
In the report the CVC shows 16,835 unique monthly website visitors to TheExaminerNews.com and 38,794 page views a month on average. The website’s monthly unique visitor average is nearly three times the national average for similar newspapers.
“Examiner Media is excelling at providing a multi-media message for advertisers,” Bingaman concluded.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.